Dear Support team,
I have bough some time ago a license for your plug in Social Login, Social Sharing by miniOrange.
I bought the single site Standard License, but now it is not working any more.
All the users that are logged-in by Linked Id (it is the only social network that I need), the user have no more image displayed: please refer to the following screen capture:

Why the plug-in does not work any more?
I have on WordPress 5.1.1
This is how looks my Panel to verify the license:

Each time I paste the Activation Code it does not work.
I have followed these instruction to reactivate the plug-in:
“License key you have entered here is associated with this site instance. In future, if you are re-installing the plugin or your site for any reason. You should deactivate and then delete the plugin from wordpress console and should not manually delete the plugin folder. So that you can resuse the same license key.
but it does not work aas well!”
This is my licence code:
This is my actual plan

In the meanwhile I have uninstalled the plug-in.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kindest Regards