Cannot see custom OIDC attribute in JIRA user's profile

  • Daniel Fernandez
    # 4 years ago


    I am testing the OAuth/OpenID Connect (OIDC) for Jira SSO (v1.2.4).
    It was very easy to configure and I managed to have my users being able to login through my company’s IdP.

    Now I want to configure some custom OIDC attributes. I followed the instructions described here: but after configuring it I cannot see the attributes in the user’s profile.

    When I click on Test Configuration, I can see my custom attribute being part of the OIDC token.

    Am I doing something wrong? Where am I supposed to see the value of custom attributes in JIRA?

    Thanks a lot,

    # 4 years ago

    Hi Daniel,

    Please make sure the User Profile > Disable Attribute Mapping option is not set while using Custom Attribute Mapping.

    To check custom mapped attributes you can go to User Management and select logged-in user.

    Here you will get to see a Properties section with a list of key and value pairs. These key and value pairs are nothing but your custom attributes which you must have mapped in the plugin.

    Please note the custom attribute mapping only affects after Single Sign On.

    Let me know if this helps.


    Daniel Fernandez
    # 4 years ago

    Ahhh right I had enabled “Disable Attribute Mapping”.
    After disabling it I could see the custom attributes being populated in the user’s profile.

    Thanks a lot!!

    PS: My tests were all successful and we bought the license 🙂

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