Can't upgrade license

  • Cynthia Steck
    # 5 years, 9 months ago

    We have LDAP/Active Directory Login for Intranet Sites plugin installed with the Custom Attribute Mapping. I have purchased the Advanced Role Mapping but don’t see the upgrades/options. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall the plugin?

    # 5 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Cynthia,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    You can follow steps below to setup the Advanced Role Mapping version of the plugin.
    1) Login to miniOrange dashboard with the same account with which you have made a purchase.
    2) Go to License menu and you should be able to see a download link for the LDAP plugin. Let me know in case you do not see it.
    3) You will also need a license key to activate the plugin which you can find under License menu > View license keys buttton.

    Let me know if you see any issue.

    Helen Porter
    # 5 years, 8 months ago

    I have logged into my account and clicked on license but there is nothing there. Is there a link to the latest version?

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