Hello, I updated the newest Version 27.0.1 of “OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth client)”. There are two new checkboxes: Set client credentials in Header / Set client credentials in Body. What is the recommendation for activating or deactivating these checkboxes. The two checkboxes came automatically activated. When should I deactivate?
I have a problem loging in with the Backdoor-Login, when I activate “Restrict site to logged in users” then I can’t login as an admin and can’t use the backdoor url for wordpress äogin. Miniorange-Plugin always locks me out, no matter what I do. Worked in my older version, doesn’t work now.
And finaly: Long time ago I reported the “loopback”-bug. When I check “Site-Health” I get an error message: loop-back time out. This bug prevents the plugin “Wordforce” from working (scaning the site-security).