Scopes error in custom openid connect provider (Gluu server)

  • Sri
    # 5 years, 7 months ago

    I am trying to integrate our Jira Help Desk this with our existing openid connect provider Server ( I entered the basic configuration (below) but get the following error after authorization:
    Error with Scope Configuration. Please check if the Scope you have entered is correct.

    Can you please point me to what could be wrong?

    The fields I added are:
    Application: Custom OpenID
    Client ID: <yes>
    Client Secret: <yes>
    Scope: openid email
    Authorize Endpoint: <yes>
    Access Token Endpoint: <token end point>
    Send Parameters in Token End Point: HTTP Header (not sure if this matters)
    Logout Endpoint: <none>
    Use State Parameters: Checked (or Unchecked, didn’t make a difference)
    Check issuer in response: Not checked
    Public key: <none>

    # 5 years, 7 months ago

    Hello There,

    Thank you for providing the detailed configuration.
    By looking into the configuration that you have provided I found that you have entered scope as “openid email“.
    Currently, the plugin does not support multiple scopes in the case of OpenID applications.

    To resolve this issue you need to change the scope to “openid“.

    Just make the above change & let me know if you still face any issue.

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