Kindly help me, because through social plugin site popup model hide. And when I deactivated this plugin then it is working good. What I do now. I attached two screenshots before plugin activate and after the plugin activate.
After activate https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/–VmYuQkmPmw/XIink1ZGIJI/AAAAAAAABeI/gSrKG-E4JNUYFmVt0G49YSXvpypv087YQCK8BGAs/s0/1245397391044723607%253Faccount_id%253D2
Before activate https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-p64BfFj3Xz8/XIinZ0sWt_I/AAAAAAAABd4/EwBD3E8wSGsTcvSHf47RHTkIlLhkC7SFgCK8BGAs/s0/6962953933552091873%253Faccount_id%253D2
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