SP Entity ID configured for the app is incorrect.

  • EdwardL
    # 6 years, 2 months ago

    I’ve added a Custom App under SAML.
    Added the User into User Group and also assign the SAML app into the App Group.

    However, SSO from my app still fail with error “SP Entity ID configured for the app is incorrect.”
    Isn’t SP Entity ID same as Audience URI, which is a URL?

    What’s wrong if I simply copy same URL into SP Entity ID from Audience URI?

    # 6 years, 2 months ago

    When i go to User Dashboard and click on my newly added SAML application, using idp initiated login, it works.

    Shouldn’t that mean my SAML application setup should be correct?

    But if so, why isn’t SP initiated login keep failing.. and say “SP Entity ID configured for the app is incorrect.”

    # 6 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Edward,

    Looks like SP Entity ID your application sending in SAML request does not match the configured value in miniOrange.

    Can you either send me your SAML request or link from where I can initiate SP initiated flow so that I can tell you the value you need to configure?


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