Why do my social login buttons show as disabled?

  • Jeffrey Kesselman
    # 6 years, 7 months ago

    I’m using social login as well as a permissions package that prevents non members from seeing most pages.

    Social Login works great on my home page. However on the page that comes up if a non-logged in user tries to access a protected page, all the social login buttons are disabled.

    I’ve uploaded a screen shot here:

    What could be causing this?


    Jeffrey Kesselman
    # 6 years, 7 months ago

    I sort of figured it out. The GPDR check box is very buggy.

    If I click it on the home page, everything works fine.

    If I click it on the blocked login page, it doesnt activate the login buttons

    BUT if I then go back to the home page, it shows as checked but the login buttons are disabled and I have to UNCHECK it to get the buttons to enable again.

    For the moment Ive just disabled it but consider this a bug report. That logic needs some attention.

    Jeffrey Kesselman
    # 6 years, 7 months ago

    MORE bug report…. with GPDR disabled the buttons on the blocked login page are bright and highlight when I roll over them, but clicking them on that page does nothing.

    The plugin I am using for page permissions is Memebrship2 if that helps any in your debugging.

    Sanket Agam
    # 6 years, 7 months ago


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    We will need some information to resolve your problem. So provide us information like, which plugin version you are using and website URL on which you have deployed our plugin.

    Waiting for your response.


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