WordPress otp verification issue on WooCommerce Checkout page.

  • Bhavik Kiri
    # 6 years, 1 month ago


    I have purchased the WordPress otp verification plugin and installed it on my site.

    I have an issue on WooCommerce checkout page. It shows the error in the developer tool.

    I’ve filled all the required fields on the Checkout page and clicked on Verify the Purchase button. But it does not work.

    Please check the below screenshots:

    1. https://i.imgur.com/UfgNgQb.png
    2. https://i.imgur.com/kK3oFhX.png

    Please check the setting:
    1. https://i.imgur.com/S8nTmAm.png

    Please let me know what you need from my side to fix the issue.


    Pratish Ray
    # 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Bhavik,

    We talked over emails and the issue with the checkout form was fixed.
    We are working on customizing the PopUp to your liking.
    Will get back to you as soon as possible.

    miniOrange Team

    Prajwal Kumar U S
    # 6 years ago

    Exactly same error for me as well!
    What is the solution for this?

    Pratish Ray
    # 6 years ago

    Hi Prajwal,

    The issue was related to some custom fields on the checkout page which were causing javascript errors.
    We had sent a customized plugin to help resolve the issue.

    I tried to take a look at your checkout page but it looks like you have the site under maintenance.
    Could you kindly drop us a query at otpsupport@miniorange.com ?
    We will take a look at your checkout page and send you an updated plugin to help resolve the issue.

    miniOrange Team

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