Wordpress SSO plugin relay state problems

  • Tom Shannon
    # 6 years, 4 months ago

    We have just started using the wordpress plugin and have the licensed version, I have added Zoom as our service provider and everything works when using the WordPress user info to log into zoom.

    Where I am having trouble is when I try and use the sign in options URL with a relay state to another URL at the end. Using that logs me into zoom correctly, but then just redirects to the Zoom meetings page rather than the specified URL I wanted the logged in user to go to.

    Has anyone had this problem and overcome it?

    Pratish Ray
    # 6 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Tom,

    It looks like Zoom might not be supporting RelayState Parameters.
    I have dropped a support query asking them about the same.
    Will keep you posted on the same.

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