SSO solution for Drupal

  • Ari
    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,
    A few questions/comments:

    1. Can I change my miniorange login credentials after you set everything up? Obviously, we don’t want the admin password in an email.
    2. We are setting up on the development server now for testing. We do not need all of the users migrated yet. Just a few test accounts so we can make sure everything is working.
    3. When we migrate to the live server can my team just copy the miniorange settings from the development server over to the live server or do we need to get you an admin account on the live server as well?
    4. Our logo and favicon are attached to the login page.

    let me know if you have any questions.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    Thank you for sending miniOrange credentials. We are setting up Drupal with miniOrange IdP. I will let you know after it’s done.
    Please check my answers to your questions.
    1) Yes. You can change miniOrange credentials after we are done with the setup.
    2) We will make sure we migrate only a few users in miniOrange for testing.
    3) You can do configuration on live server yourself by copying the configuration from development server.

    Let me know if you have any other question.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,

    Great, let us know when it is ready for testing.

    We came up with another question: some of our Drupal users will not have Workplace accounts. Basically, these two Drupal roles will have workplace accounts: “ABC user” and “ABC crm admin” and all users from Azure AD.

    What is the simplest way to do this? We could do this on our end. We only provision accounts for the roles mentioned above. We only display a link to workplace for the roles above. Any changes needed on your end?


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    I will send you that for testing soon.

    For your other question, I guess you are talking about adding link to workplace from drupal website right? We can show this link by checking if either user belong to groups “ABC user” or “ABCcrm admin” or if user email contains which means user belongs to azure.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,

    OK, thanks let me know when it is ready for testing – would be great to have this all setup on our production server.

    If you need to delete lots of test users please disable the “user deleted” rule here:

    Since we are receiving the emails.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    I can show you demo on test instance. Also I am going to send updated drupal SSO module which you need to replace with existing module. If everything looks good we can start setup on production server.

    Also I have disabled “user deleted” workflow.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,

    Please send the updated module.

    Questions for go live:

    1. Should I alert our team that they may see some down time?
    2. How do we migrate all of the accounts over to MiniOrange?
    3. If the miniOrange server ever goes down is there another way for us to quickly login to the site? Like disable the miniOrange SSO module then reset our passwords?

    Thanks and looking forward to it…

    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    I think we may be cutting it too close for your production push considering we still have the following things to get done.
    1) Updating SSO module and check SSO with miniOrange.
    2) Migrate users from drupal to miniOrange.
    3) Setup workplace SSO with miniOrange and Azure IdP.

    For your other questions :
    1) There will be no downtime because of sso. We will only need to inform them about the change of experience they are going to have once sso is enabled.
    2) We can export users csv from drupal and it can be imported in miniOrange.
    3) We have 99.95% uptime and we never seen any server down issue in long time. Still we have a checkbox to disable SSO module and switch back to normal login.
    Let me know you have any question for us.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,

    The new module is pushed to the development server .

    # 7 years, 1 month ago


    You can use below module to export users list in csv format.

    I am sending you updated SSO plugin in which you can specify where to redirect users after login. Let me know after you update it in drupal.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Kalpesh,

    The module is updated and pushed to the development server.

    The miniOrange sms password sent to me is: 133asefe. I haven’t updated it.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    I have sent you one more version of updated SSO module, can you also update that. Let me know after you update it.

    Also I am looking into below remaining issue.
    – Can we delete “Sign up for a free trial” from the login screen here:


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    We pushed this file:

    Please confirm that this was the latest.


    # 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Ari,

    Thanks for the update. And yes this is the latest version. I will update google doc with the status.


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